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- Analysis of the company situation (incl. SWOT)
- Balance sheet budget
- Company formation/expansion
- Company supervision in relation to tree cultivation
- Company takeover
- Development of business plan
- Extrapolation of alternatives
- Fiscal and legal advice
- Land and lease issues
- Liquidity budget
- Mediation
- Offer assessment and financing issues
- Operations budget
- Sensitivity analysis
- Strategic supervision
- Subsidy advice
- Support in consultations with the bank
- Work budget
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- All-in-one Permit for Physical Aspects
- Building permit drawings
- Building permit for glasshouse, company premises and accommodation
- Calculation of daylight ingress
- Demolition permit
- Earth removal permit
- Environmental impact study
- Environmental permit
- EPU calculation (energy performance coefficient) for utilities
- EPW calculation (to measure energy performance of dwellings and residential buildings)
- Fire load calculation for commercial space
- Inspection permit
- Nature Conservancy Act [Natuurbeschermingswet] (NB-Wet)
- Notification of earth removal
- Notification within the framework of the Activities Decree: General Rules for Establishments (Environmental Management) Decree [Besluit algemene regels voor inrichtingen milieubeheer] (BARIM)
- Structural calculations
- Ventilation calculations